To distract myself from this terrible rain that has been on for daaays I've decided to do a tumblr inspired travel post.
I just love to travel and explore new civilizations,cultures and people.Since,I was a little girl me and my family used to travel a lot.We would rent a car and start exploring.
I love that exicement actually that buzz that I start to feel when a plain takes off or a bus finally stops.Whenever i'm in new place I don't use my phone,rarely look at my watch...I get wonderfuly los in moment and make impulsive decisionsI like that fell of beinh free,being able to enjoy and don't worry about anything..I find it extremely interesting to see how people live,what are their traditions like and how much their daily habits are different from mine.
So far I've been to 12 different countries and I wish to trevel to a lot more.USA and UK are at the top of my bucketlist,and hopefuly I'd be able to cross them of.
Hope you like it
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.- Mark Twain

I just love to travel and explore new civilizations,cultures and people.Since,I was a little girl me and my family used to travel a lot.We would rent a car and start exploring.
I love that exicement actually that buzz that I start to feel when a plain takes off or a bus finally stops.Whenever i'm in new place I don't use my phone,rarely look at my watch...I get wonderfuly los in moment and make impulsive decisionsI like that fell of beinh free,being able to enjoy and don't worry about anything..I find it extremely interesting to see how people live,what are their traditions like and how much their daily habits are different from mine.
So far I've been to 12 different countries and I wish to trevel to a lot more.USA and UK are at the top of my bucketlist,and hopefuly I'd be able to cross them of.
Hope you like it
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.- Mark Twain